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On this page, you can download the KyroSoft NeoBrowser Source and Binary packages. They are in a zipped form. To compile the source code, you will need Microsoft Visual Basic 6, or another product for Visual Basic development (KyroSoft uses MS VB6, Liberty Basic and Codewarrior for Visual Basic development). 
Source Packages - NeoBrowser 0.0.1 source code, requires Visual Basic or compatible product for compilation. - NeoBrowser 0.0.2 source code, requires Visual Basic or compatible product for compilation.

Binary Packages - NeoBrowser 0.0.1 binary package. You will need the Microsoft Visual Basic 6 runtime libraries to use the application. - NeoBrowser 0.0.2 binary package. You will need the Microsoft Visual Basic 6 runtime libraries to use the application.

Where can I get the Microsoft VB6 Runtime Libraries?
You can get the Microsoft Visual Basic 6 runtime libraries by purchasing a copy of Microsoft Visual Basic 6, or you download any of the non-developmental KyroSoft applications at the main web site.
Where else can I get these files?

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